
On Tax Day I start getting my hummingbird feeders ready. I read somewhere that it was a good day to start attracting them. They begin their migration early in the spring, so you want them to notice that your yard is a good place to stop for the summer. Every 3-4 days, I change the sugar water.  Countless times, I wondered if this ritual of changing the water is fruitless. They are so fast; it is difficult to glimpse a sighting. Are they there? Is the water evaporating from the heat, not a thirsty hummingbird? I try to put my faith in the bright red feeder that will attract them. However, inevitably, I need to take the time to be still, wait and watch for them to reveal themselves. 

They are amazing little creatures. So much power and beauty. Buzzing quickly in, resting for just a moment to take a drink then they fly off with wings flapping at 50 times per second. They are always worth the wait, and I am in awe of their uniqueness. But just like so much in life, I rarely make the time to be still. What if we also rested and soaked in God’s goodness or waited for what God is revealing to us? God tells us to do just that, “Be still, and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10.

For how long are we quiet or still with the busyness of life? We live in an instant-gratification, social media-driven, and high-pressured society. We can be so distracted. Can we hear when God is calling us if we don’t take the time to nourish our souls in peace and rest? Those moments are fleeting just as the hummingbirds flit in and out of view. We don’t want to miss them. I know it’s a struggle for me to build in those moments of quiet reflection, but I am always rejuvenated in the Spirit when I do.

The hummingbirds drink in the sweet goodness of the feeder and the flowers around the yard. They know what they need to thrive. Why is it so hard for us to see? Where and when can we take those moments to soak in all the possibilities that come from a life of following Jesus? God is always there faithfully tending the feeder, waiting for us to drink deeply and rest. 

Resting in God’s goodness,

Angie Seiller

Director of Faith Formation