Share the Light Team

Seven years ago this week, Lord of Life held our initial meetings with consultant Craig Miller of Horizons Stewardship to clarify our mission hopes and needs. Part of Craig’s assessment included a feasibility study of our ministry goals and financial health, which would help us identify our appetite for what type of projects we would pursue.

Much can happen in seven years. During this time, we not only raised funds and set a course for sanctuary renewal, fire suppression, parking lot projects (some of which will be completed after all the big trucks are gone), and the construction of a multi-purpose community space, but also welcomed dozens of new families, partnered with four seminary interns, and shared hundreds of opportunities to worship, pray, learn, and serve together.

During this time, we also focused our mission and vision statements, leaned into our core values, and created a welcome statement that reflected the realities of our community. When Covid landed in the world unexpectedly, we learned how to live out our mission in new ways, as we were forced to rethink how, when, and where ministry could happen. Council President and Share the Light team member, Greg Hasselbeck, remembers, “Our church was able to quickly pivot from in-person only services to online services [using] some of our Share the Light funds to make that happen. We were blessed to have funds available to support the upgrade of our sanctuary and a staff that was able to make it happen so quickly.”

Looking back on our Share the Light capital campaign, Greg continues, “What excited me about the entire idea was knowing or believing that expanding our space and making other capital improvements on our campus would enable us to expand upon how we live our mission as a congregation … I knew well that the building was often full and groups – both from inside and outside of Lord of Life – were often looking for space and we couldn’t accommodate everyone.”

When asked why he and his wife chose to step into leadership, campaign chair Mark Dalhart recalls, “Initially, both Deanne and I felt it was time for Lord of Life to show the community we were here for them. There were definitely space needs and [creating] a space along Tylersville would accomplish both. We felt it was necessary for the senior members of the church to show they were behind the capital campaign…I still believe this is the right direction for Lord of Life to serve the community.”

Greg Hasselbeck says, “This has been a bit of a faith journey for me. Faith in our congregation to support the capital campaign and faith that our financial investments would be rewarded in terms of new members and more giving to support the increased operating expenses that come along with the new building…It’s great to see that faith being rewarded with new members and a growing congregation, and seeing the excitement that the possibilities of our new space present to all of us … I’m excited to see the blessing it will bring to our congregation and community in the future.”

Former Council President Vasanthi Chalasani says, “Share the Light to me was not about another building, but a space that brings our congregation to fully embrace our mission ‘to live, share, and celebrate with all people, God’s love in Jesus Christ.’ I am excited for the new space…It will open up many opportunities to serve our community and [help us] grow in faith for generations to come.”

Please come and celebrate with us, this Sunday. Join us in person if you can. If not, watch online in real-time or as your schedule allows. Please pray for this new season of ministry together and stop by to see how God is helping us make more room for everyone.

Joyously sharing the light of Christ,

Pastor Lowell

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