
Lord of Life Lutheran Church in West Chester has been a part of my life for about as long as I can remember. From childhood memories of First Communion, senior high lock-ins, bring a friend to church Sundays, two ELCA National Youth Gatherings, and so many 11 pm Christmas Eve services (including Little Debbie Christmas cakes), into my adult life with a wedding, three baptisms (including a pandemic baptism), First Communion and Confirmation for our oldest, and Lord of Life Christian Preschool for our two youngest, the space of Lord of Life feels like a home away from home. 

The hustle and bustle of a Sunday morning with three children often feels slightly chaotic. We aren’t often early, barely managing on time, but we all find our space and our peace here. I feel incredibly grateful to continue my journey with Lord of Life and to be raising our girls here in this community full of acceptance and grace. 

When the opportunity to be part of the leadership team on the church council came to me, it didn’t take much thought as my instinct was to go for it. I’ve enjoyed the meaningful discussions, forming friendships, and the goal setting for the future. My husband Matt and I also love the opportunity to spend time with the senior high students as leaders on Sunday morning and for other events. This group is energetic and inspiring and I am so thankful to get to grow in faith right alongside them. 

Truth be told, I think we have so much good going for us here. With full schedules and busy lives, it’s easy to overlook the significance of the small moments we encounter in our church community. From a smile exchanged during a passing greeting to a heartfelt conversation after service, these ministry moments are the building blocks of a vibrant and connected congregation. 

I hope that we continue to grow together and increase our impact for assisting those in need both locally and internationally. I’m proud to be part of Lord of Life in all capacities and I have faith that we’ll continue to move with God’s guidance towards “living, sharing, and celebrating with ALL people, God’s love in Jesus Christ.”

Yours in faith and hope,

Jillian Campbell

Jillian is just beginning her 2-year term as our Church Council President. Jillian also serves on the Lord of Life Christian Preschool Board and is part of the teaching team for senior high youth on Sunday mornings.